Hi and welcome to Gunge Tank Babes, the haven for seeing clips and pics of sexy girls getting Dunked in Gunge.
Gunge for Sale
Our new Easy Mix Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose Gunge is proving incredibly popular. It is considerably cheaper than Natrosol so a lot more gunge for your money. A lot of our producer colleagues are using it now and it has been used to fill the Dunk Tank already. See the results here. Our prices start at just £2.75 for 8-10 litres of a thick gunge. Our popular 24 litre packs produce 3 very thick buckets of gunge or you can use more water to get around 30 litres of gunge. We also sell the powder in bulk for you to add your own colouring. This works out at just £11.99 per kg or enough for over 60 litres.
You can purchase safely online through eBay at
April 2016
We are hoping to offer Dunk Tank sessions from the 29th April for around a week or so or until the gunge is too cold to use. The sessions will be for around an hour which we have found to be ample time to enjoy the gunge without getting too cold. The Dunk Tank will be outdoors in our marquee so it can get chilly in poor weather. The cost of the sessions will be £200 for the full hour in the tank. Please get in touch as soon as possible if you would like to book a session.
We are also hoping to do some more films this year, we may even film something when the tank is full on the 29th. Watch this space.
November 2015
We have been restoring our Gunge Tank over the past few weeks, there is still some work to go but hopefully we should be able to start filming some new scenes and offering sessions with it again soon. We have also edited a couple of new films which had been filmed a while ago with Kate and Harley when they were dunked into that thick green gunge. If you haven’t seen Kate in our films she is just so much fun and really seems to enjoy being dunked. Our new Gunge has also been very popular with quite a few other producers now using our Gunge again. For those who remember the Lemon Scented Gunge we are now offering that again as well. The Gunge is extremely easy to mix and is ready in just 3 or 4 minutes. Just add the bag of powder to a bucket of warm water and stir by hand. There is no need to use an electric mixer or to wear yourself out staring like crazy. It produces a really thick colourful Gunge that others would describe as extra thick deluxe Gunge but at a fraction of the cost. 24 Litres or 3 Buckets is just £10.99 or we can supply bulk powder at just £10.99 per KG. These our introductory prices so they may go back up at some point. You can order online at
The London Splunch November 19th 5pm
The London Splunch
19th November 2015 – 5pm till 11pm
Penderals Oak
283-288 High Holborn,
London WC1V 7HP
The London Splunch is nearly upon us and although lots of people coming from the Fetlife event page it seems to have fallen off the radar on here so thought it would be good to get a list going of who is coming to the Splunch.
For those who didn’t already know this was going to be the last London Splunch that Smiley was going to organise and Hayley and I are going to be taking over the reins of running the London Splunch. Its looking like Smiley might not be able to get to this one now so we have agreed to pick the reins for the November Splunch.
The London Splunch is for people from the wam community to meet other fellow wammers in person and put faces to the names. It is about having some food and drink, building trust and friendships and generally getting to know each other a little better in real life.
This is one of the meets i look forward to doing. It certainly has as different feel being on winters evening when London is in full Christmas shopping swing (the xmas lights in town are amazing). Nothing better than having some good food and drink in a nice warm pub with great company.
If you are a bit shy and want to meet in advance just drop me a pm and ill give you my mobi number.
September 2015
Well after a break for personal reasons we are back. The download stores have reopened and we have edited and posted the first new video for months featuring the lovely Silver getting dunked in a one piece swimsuit. If you haven’t watched any of Silver’s films she is so much fun and really bubbly. We had hoped to fill the Dunk Tank again and do some more shoots and sessions but I think we’ve left it a bit late now the colder nights are here. The Gunge Tank is having a bit of a makeover after the summer hire season and we hop to be doing some new shoots with the Gunge Tank very soon. We will also be offering a few sessions in the Gunge Tank, ideal for anybody who really wants to go in a Gunge Tank.
We have also purchased some fantastic new Gunge for the shoots and to pass on to you guys who just love being Gunged. Its a Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose Gunge that is extremely easy to mix and is ready to use in minutes. Its also nice and thick and a lot cheaper than Natrosol, which is also a Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose based Gunge. If you want to try some we’ve got some great deals at
October 2014
We have had a busy few months with the sessions and shoots with the Dunk Tank and are still wading through a mountain of videos to edit. Apologies to those of you still waiting on your videos, we will get these edited as soon as possible.
If you have not seen the new videos we had a fantastic time with new girls Harley G and Silver who proved to be very popular. Both girls had so much fun in the Dunk Tank which shows on the films. I think the best video has to be Harley and Hayley playing the Innuendo Bingo game which was a custom for one of our fans. The idea was that Hayley read out an innuendo that had been said by a celebrity and Harley would get dunked if she laughed. Unfortunately the innuendo’s were so funny Hayley couldn’t stop laughing herself. We were a bit surprised to see people buying this video without the description or any vidcaps however Im sure they would not have been disappointed. The video is not edited in our usual format and has lots of replays as per the custom, we will be editing this into our usual format and releasing the video very soon.
Hayley also managed to get some WAM into one of our “normal” films as well recently, we were doing a video of our local Toll Bridge reopening and Hayley decided to swim across the river clothed as a part of it. If you haven’t seen it its worth a look, you can see Hayley swim in the last 4 minutes or so of the video.
We are hoping to get another couple of shoots in before the winter with the Gunge Tank and hope to get Jenny and Harley back to play in the gunge.
The gunge shop is starting to get a bit low on our normal gunge we sell so if you are looking to buy gunge we’d recommend stocking up. Its unlikely we’ll buy another big batch before the spring. We do have plenty of Carboxy Methyl Cellulose gunge which is bit more difficult to mix but is equally as good if mixed properly with an electric mixer. We use an electric drill and plaster mixer. You can buy this form our Ebay store at www.thegungeshop.co.uk or for normal coloured gunge, www.thegungeshop.com .
Congratulations to our lucky Golden Ticket winner, number 63 who came and played in the Dunk Tank yesterday. We are still waiting for our runner up, number 17 to come forward to claim their prize.
The Dunk Tank sessions have gone very well with lots of people coming down to be dunked. We’ve even had a charity gunge challenge which I’m sure will be on youtube very soon and we would ask you all to donate to the very good cause with the challenge.
We’ve had 2 new models come to play in the Dunk Tank and I’m sure you will absolutly love seeing them play in the gunge, so much so that we’re hoping to get both back next week to play in the overhead Gunge Tank. The first of our new videos is available to download now and features the lovely Harley G. You can see the video and lots of vidcaps at www.dunktankdownload.com
August 2014
We will be filling the Dunk Tank with Gunge on August 25th so will be brining you lots of new films with the Dunk Tank. We are hoping to have some new faces for you as well and will be offering customs with the Dunk Tank. If you have a favourite model we are happy for you to pay for your model to attend for your custom as well as using our models for customs. If you would like a custom then get in touch.
We are also offering sessions in the Dunk Tank, these will be very limited and would suggest booking sooner rather than later. Sessions are held near Reading and we have a hot shower for cleaning up afterwards. We will require a deposit for all sessions as we have had too many book sessions in the past then cancel at the last minute.
Hope you have all enjoyed our latest film with Jenny, this was the first film for a while and we thoroughly enjoyed filming it.
July 2014
We are now able to offer overhead Gunge Tank Sessions. Sessions will be very limited and done on a first come first served basis. For more info go to the Sessions page.
June 2014
We hope to be filling the Dunk Tank full of gunge in the next month or so. we are just waiting for a reasonable break in our hire bookings to fit in enough shoots to justify it. The poll on UMD seems to be looking like you want to see thick green gunge. We have found a couple of sacks of the gunge we used for the shoots with Chrissy and Keely and hope to be using this to give that thick gunge you all enjoyed on our early films. Now is the time to let us know any ideas or outfits you’d like to see or to book any customs. Our customs are reasonably priced with you paying for the cost of the model and any outfits. This is typically £80 to £100 plus the outfit which you can provide or we can source for you.
We hope to be shooting some more Gunge Tank films again soon as well. These have proved very popular and again if you would like a custom or have any ideas let us know.
February 2014
We have had a roller coaster of a winter here and have been flooded for around 8 weeks now. The water has started to go down now so hopefully life can get back to normal. The bad news is we have taken the decision not to renew the lease on our studio, it has become too expensive too keep on and video sales do not justify the expense. We will still be making videos at home in the summer with the Dunk Tank and Gunge Tank but these will be filmed either outdoors or in our Marquee as we did with the clay. The sad part is we won’t be able to offer sessions anymore other than to those people we know who have been coming for sessions for a while.
We also had to stop the Gunge Shop for a while because of the flooding. Now the flood waters are receding we will be able to get the back log of orders out and are now taking new orders again. As a thank you to those who have supported us we are offering some special prices on gunge purchased directly rather than through ebay. Uncoloured Gunge is £11.99 and coloured Gunge is £14.99 for 24 litres plus £3 postage. You can order directly by using the Buy Now buttons on our website
December 2013
We have just purchased another large quantity of Gunge powder ready for the Dunk Tank and Gunge tank. As soon as it warms up a bit we will be filling the Dunk Tank again. The Gunge Tank sessions are continuing and have proved very popular, so much so that we have not been able to accommodate some requests. If you do want to have a go in the Gunge Tank then I would suggest booking soon.
The Gunge Shop has also reopened now we have ample supplies, if you would like to buy some Gunge to use yourself then go to www.thegungeshop.com .
November 2013
We are having a busy month with sessions. Lots of you are taking advantage of having a go in the Gunge Tank full of Beans or Rice Pudding as well as normal gunge. The beans, rice pudding and custard is proving so popular Tesco are having a job keeping up with supplies !
We also held our huge sale last weekend to try out the idea of an honesty box on our videos. The idea proved so successful that the download store had problems keeping up with demand. We have repeated the sale this weekend for those who missed it and are also offering a VERY special offer to our twitter followers. If you are not following us then today is the day to start.
We have plans for a new website in the new year with our brand of humour and mess moving into Pies. Watch this space for news of what will make this new site extra special.
October 2013
We are hoping to get back into the studio latter in the month to shoot some videos with the overhead Gunge Tank. We are now taking orders for customs with the overhead tank so if you would like a custom then get in touch. Prices are very competitive with you just paying for the model and the cost of the outfit. Prices are typically £80 plus the cost of an outfit. We will also be offering sessions with the overhead tank from the 20th October so now is the time to start booking your overhead gunge tank sessions.
We have been going through our “wardrobe department” and have lots of outfits that we will be selling. If there is a particular outfit from one of our videos that you would like then get in touch. I’m sure the Jess Wests Basque and Sophia’s catsuit will be very popular so get in quick.
We are hoping to be getting another large consignment of Natrosol in the next month or so, this will enable us to do some more shoots with the Dunk Tank and to relist the gunge on eBay. More news as we get it.
We have a wedding dress and bridesmaid dress ready for a shoot and are looking for your ideas as to a scenario and script. If you have an idea for a story for us then let us know and we may use your ideas.
September 2013
Sadly we have just emptied the dunk tank full of clay now. We are hoping to be shooting some more with the overhead tank in the next month or so. We may even be persuaded to fill the Dunk Tank full of gunge again if we have enough confirmed bookings for sessions.
August 2013
We have had the clay in the Dunk Tank for just over a week now and have had some fantastic shoots. We have had Sophia Delane and Jess West back to do some shoots with us along with some new girls. The first of these films have already been edited and are ready to be downloaded at the download store. We have also had lots of people coming along to be dunked in the tank themselves. The clay is at its best at the moment and is nice and thick. If you are interested in a session there is more information on the sessions page. We also had a fun day today with the Bristol Splunch gang coming along to have a play in the Dunk Tank. At one point we managed to get 4 people in the tank at once .
July 2013
We have lots of shoots planned with the Dunk Tank full of clay again. We have Jess West coming along for her first time in the Dunk Tank. We are offering customs with Jess and the Dunk Tank full of clay. Be quick though demand will be high. We will also be offering sessions in the Dunk Tank full of clay. These are being held at Reading rather than the studio as the clay is not as easy as gunge to clean!
June 2013
We had a great few days when Messymayhem visited the studio, Bosun Bob brought some of his models down to play in the Gunge Tank. We also had a great shoot with the fantastic Jess West who was an absolute star with our first shoot with Baked Beans in the Gunge Tank. Well, poor Jess also had Rice Pudding, Custard, Tomato Ketchup and even some pies. Check out the video along with Jess being gunged wearing Lycra.
March 2013
We have been working hard building our new website, its still a work in progress but we hope you like it. We have introduce a dedicated forum for both Dunk Tanks and Gunge Tanks so you tells us what you want to see and chat about the tanks. We have also included an area where you can post any Dunk Tank events that you know of so people can go and see the. We will be posting all of our public events on there as well.
We have also been doing lots of sessions, our Hayleys quiz session has proved so popular that we have not had any opportunity to produce any new films since Xmas. If you would like to come and have a session in our overhead gunge tank then get in touch.
October 2012
We have had a very busy week with filming, sessions and custom videos. The gunge in the Dunk Tank was probably the best we’ve ever had, so silky smooth and plenty of colour. We’ve also had the overhead gunge tank in action both for some customs and for the sessions. It seems to be proving very popular and we will be offering sessions with the overhead tank throughout the year now. We will also be offering sessions with the Gunge Tank where you can feature in your own film with one of Little Hayley’s Quiz’s. This option is already proving very popular. We hope to have some of the new videos edited and available for download very soon.